Scott Rudd Productions 2024.
Procedures for Considering New Members in ADAA
New member galleries are admitted to the Association once a year by recommendation to the Board of Directors at the meeting in February. To begin the process, any ADAA member can formally nominate a gallery or informally recommend a gallery by writing a letter to Maureen Bray, ADAA Executive Director, via email to A formal nomination should address the criteria set forth in the "Guidelines of Excellence" described below. Depending on the time of year a letter is received, the Membership Committee will either discuss the proposed gallery at its next meeting, or postpone the discussion to the following year. The sequence for reviewing proposed members is as follows:
August - September
The Membership Committee meets to review newly proposed galleries and those postponed from the previous year.
Integrity of business practice and ethical behavior as laid out in the standards and practices document
Exhibition history - quality of current program - forthcoming programs
Presentation - installation of exhibitions
Financial soundness, although financial statements will not be requested Publications produced by gallery
Scholarship in given field of expertise
Gallery has artists who are represented in important collections or museums or have exhibitions in museums
Gallery has been in business a minimum of five (5) years in the U.S.
Member has to feel the new gallery would qualify for the Art Show and would want to exhibit with them in the fair
November - January
Committee members visit candidates, as well as their Art Fair booth presentations, whenever appropriate. Selected candidates will be asked to submit supplementary materials as well as three (3) letters of recommendation from other ADAA members. ADAA members are permitted to write one (1) letter of nomination and no more than two (2) letters of recommendation per year (January 1 - December 31).
The Membership Committee meets to review materials and establish a short-list of candidates to be circulated to the entire ADAA membership for comments and a vote.
ADAA member votes are tallied and the Membership Committee meets to review the results and member comments.
Determinations are made as to the final list of proposed galleries to be recommend to the Board of Directors for election to the Association.
The Board of Directors votes to approve recommended candidates to ADAA.
Guidelines of Excellence
Membership Committee
Cristin Tierney, Chair - Cristin Tierney Gallery
Rishi Chatrath - P · P · O · W
Kaeli Deane - Lisson Gallery
Alexis Johnson - Paula Cooper Gallery
Jeffrey Lee - RYAN LEE
Daphne Palmer - Fraenkel Gallery
Susan Sheehan, ADAA President - Susan Sheehan Gallery