Scott Rudd Productions 2024.
Who We Are
The Art Dealers Association of America (ADAA) is a nonprofit membership organization of the nation's leading galleries in the fine arts. Founded in 1962, ADAA seeks to promote the highest standards of connoisseurship, scholarship and ethical practice within the profession. ADAA members deal primarily in paintings, sculpture, prints, drawings, and photographs from the Renaissance to the present day. Each ADAA member is an experienced and knowledgeable dealer in their field. ADAA has over 200 member galleries across nearly 40 U.S. cities.ADAA Membership
Membership in ADAA is by invitation of the Board of Directors. In order to qualify for membership, a dealer must have an established reputation for honesty, integrity and professionalism among their peers, and must make a substantial contribution to the cultural life of the community by offering works of high aesthetic quality, presenting worthwhile exhibitions and publishing scholarly catalogues. ADAA is dedicated to promoting the highest standards of connoisseurship, scholarship and ethical practice within the profession, and to increasing public awareness of the role and responsibilities of reputable art dealers.Benefits of ADAA Membership
Membership in the ADAA provides exclusive benefits including:
• Invitations to and recordings of members-only seminars on industry topics
• Eligibility to apply to The Art Show
• Inclusion in members-only gallery walks
• Access to cooperative advertising rates in the New York Times and the Art Newspaper
• Social media promotions on Instagram, Facebook, and our Inside Stories blog.
What Do ADAA Galleries Do?
ADAA's members function as an important component of the U.S. art community, providing the means by which artists reach their public and collectors gain access to works of art. Exhibitions by ADAA members provide the first view of new works by both young and established artists and present works by previously neglected artists as well as works by acknowledged masters.General Activities
ADAA participates in numerous national and international activities including:• Undertake initiatives and lobbying efforts to support the national arts community
• Cooperating with museums, scholars and artists on issues of mutual concern
• Advising members, other organizations and government bodies on matters
concerning the visual arts, including legislation on prints, sculpture and moral
• Speaking out on behalf of ADAA members and the art community on such public
policy issues as pending legislation, legal matters and international trade