The New Market for Old Masters
ADAA Collectors' Forum
Saturday, April 25, 10:30AM
The economy’s recent volatility has highlighted the stability and opportunities, often overlooked, within the Old Master market. “The New Market for Old Masters,” Collectors Forum, organized by the Art Dealers Association of America, will bring together art dealers, curators, and collectors to discuss this fascinating area of collecting and curating. Panelists will examine the discipline’s multiple genres, provide an assessment of the state of the market, and address questions such as: What determines the relative pricing and marketing of Old Master sales compared to the Contemporary market? How are new materials uncovered? And, what are appropriate criteria for collecting?
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The Morgan Library225 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016
Scott Schaefer
Senior Curator of Paintings at the J. Paul Getty Museum
Andrew Robison
Andrew W. Mellon Senior Curator of Prints and Drawings, National Gallery of Art, Washington
Nicholas Hall
International Department Head, Old Master Paintings, Christie’s
Richard Feigen
President, Richard L. Feigen & Co
Judd Tully
Journalist and Critic