ADAA Gallery Walk: Upper East Side
A Self-Guided Tour of over 30 ADAA member galleries!
Friday, November 4, 3:00pm till 5:00pm
Join the ADAA and our member galleries for the ADAA Upper East Side Gallery Walk! Timed in conjunction with The Art Show at the Park Avenue Armory, the galleries listed below will open their doors to the public, from 3:00pm-5:00pm on Saturday, November 5, for a collaborative, free gallery walk event showcasing some of the most dynamic exhibitions in New York City this season.
Download the Gallery Walk Map & Programming Information HERE, or use our Google Map to navigate on your phone. You can also RSVP to the event on Facebook.
Want to stay up-to-date on ADAA programming, ongoing gallery exhibitions, and other forthcoming arts events? Visit our homepage to sign up for the ADAA Mailing List!
Special Events (check back regularly for updates):
Hauser & Wirth, 4:00pm: Walkthrough of their Lucio Fontana exhibition.
David Nolan Gallery, 3:00-5:00pm: Artist Paulo Pasta will be present, on the occasion of his first solo exhibition in all North America
Leon Tovar Gallery, 3:00-5:00pm: Coffee to celebrate the opening of the exhibition by newly represented Estate of Omar Rayo
Meredith Ward Fine Art, 3:00-6:00pm: Gallery reception for Flora Crockett: Modern Color
Anton Kern Gallery, 3:00–6:00pm: Apple cider and listening party for artist Lothal Hempel's new record, Nessuno.
Instagram Photo Contest:
Gallery Walk visitors can enter to win a tote bag full of art books and exhibition catalogues by posting photos of their experience on Instagram and tagging #ADAAGalleryWalk. A winner will be selected from those who visit and tag ADAA galleries during the event. To be eligible, you must follow @The_ADAA and post all photos by 2pm ET on Monday, November 7.
Have questions about the event? Contact Beatrice Crow at!